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SHEN YUN is back to LAUSANNE on 20, 21 and 22 FEBRUARY 2025

Bringing back 5000 years of civilization.

Shen Yun: a unique journey to the heart of ancient China.

Let yourself be transported into a wonderful and soothing world. A world where we forget all the worries of everyday life.

Soak up magnificent images, feel joy deep within yourself thanks to the beauty of the paintings and costumes, the prowess of the artists, the grace of the dancers.

With its ethnic and classical Chinese dances, its stories combining humor and wisdom, Shen Yun brings to life the ancestral art inspired by the divine of China. The essence of a lost civilization is reborn.

Join the millions of spectators already won over by Shen Yun. Are you ready to live an experience that will mark you forever?

4 shows in Lausanne at the Théâtre de Beaulieu :

Thursday 20 February 2025 at 7.30 pm
Friday 21 February 2025 at 7.30 pm
Saturday 22 February 2025 at 2.00 pm
Saturday 22 February 2025 at 7.30 pm
4 shows in Lausanne at the Théâtre de Beaulieu :

Thursday 20 February 2025 at 7.30 pm
Friday 21 February 2025 at 7.30 pm
Saturday 22 February 2025 at 2.00 pm
Saturday 22 February 2025 at 7.30 pm

Tickets :
Booking : Tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

Official ticketings above to be used exclusively.

Beware of online resellers : Shen Yun tickets may be resold at a higher price or may not be valid.

Discover more information about the show and ShenYun Performing Arts.
All videos can be seen on www.shenyuncreations.com.

Adress and informations of the Théâtre de Beaulieu : Avenue des Bergières 10, CH-1004 Lausanne.

Children are admitted from the age of 5.

If you wish to make a donation or make a special payment, click on :
(by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club or with a Paypal account)

If you wish to make a donation or make a special payment
(by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club or with a Paypal account), click on :

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What they say ...

Fouad Farouk Fouad Farouk GENEVA – Fouad II, the last king of Egypt. Prince Ahmed Fouad Farouk became an infant monarch in 1952 after the abdication of his father King Farouk I following the Egyptian Revolution. His reign came to an end less than a year later when Egypt became a republic, and his family fled to Switzerland, which has become Ahmed Fouad’s adopted land.
“I congratulate the company for the wonderful performance I saw tonight : costumes, exceptional dancers, and music !” . “I am a great admirer of Chinese culture and Chinese history. I spent a wonderful evening and I thank [Shen Yun] from my heart.” See more by clicking there.

princesse Murat princesse Murat ROMA – Princess and pianist Caroline Haffner Murat at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma.
She has founded a number of festivals including the “Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad”. And was involved in the founding of the Verbier Festival and Academy. Actually, she is Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Casale Monferatto (Italy).
« Moreover, we feel that there is a message that it is trying to get across, and it gets across. … Well, precisely fraternity, love, spirituality and hope. And all that is obviously the divine that brings it to us. » « They are perfectly synchronized and it’s a celebration for the eyes, truly magical, beautiful.” “It’s wonderful. You bring us a lot in this performance—enormous. »

Mme Javarone Mme Javarone MILAN – Ms. Daniela Javarone, President of Milan’s Friends of the Opera.
“We come every year (…)“The message is harmony and sweetness, which in this ravaged world, is very needed.”
“The discipline—I can see that everyone is flawlessly coordinated to inch-perfect. There must be so much work and sacrifices behind it. … The love these people have—otherwise it can’t be done.”
“I find the show truly magnificent. [It] comes out from the heart with serenity. It would be good if all the world could be like this. It’s a hope that stays in your heart.”
Listen there.

Raina Raina

MODENA - Raina Kabaivanska, world-renowned opera singer.
“It was magical! I have just emerged from a magical world of color, harmony and perfection. I must say that in my life I have seen many performances, many ballets, but such professionalism, really, is rare.” “I am really happy to have been here (…). It has been a great discovery for me to see the spirit of ancient China reborn, and I express my gratitude to the organizers.”

Daniel Herman Daniel Herman BRNO (Czech Republic) - Daniel Herman, at that time minister of culture in the Czech Republic
“It is a massive power that can embrace the world, and I think it’s a positive barrier against evil, violence, lies, falsehood, and that is the way.” “I’ve been thrilled by Shen Yun in Brno this year. It’s a beautiful show presenting both the superb art of the profound Chinese culture, as well as the spiritual aspect, and it provides hope, most important of all.”
“It is indeed the touch of the divine. I think it is important to raise our heads toward the values from which this message and art come from. I say it again: there is a big hope in this and it cannot die.”

Dominique Föllmi Dominique Föllmi GENEVA – Dominique Föllmi, at the time President of the Geneva International Orchestra and former head of City’s Governement.
“What [Shen Yun is] presenting us is total perfection. At the end, we feel good, we want to carry it further, we want to bring this message [Shen Yun gives] us to others. It is happiness, real happiness.” 
“Though Shen Yun shows the history of China—”its 5,000 years of history and spirituality, This heritage was lost and [Shen Yun] actually revives it in an outstanding and sublime way.” 
“I am a former president in the government of Geneva and was in charge of education, training, and culture. So you can imagine that I’m especially delighted by this show. This is so much what we try to develop in relation to education and to young people. It is exceptional.” 

“I would say that the orchestra is exceptional, a jewel with such precision, it’s fantastic! The music is powerful, beautiful, it grabs you, you rise with it, it’s really fabulous.” See more by clicking there.

François Claudel François Claudel PARIS - Former diplomat François Claudel, Paul Claudel’s grandson at Palais des Congrès.
“A wonder is a delight at all times”
“And tonight we saw a pure China, clean, free and expressing its enthusiasm, its innocence, its light, its grace. A great grace, in the plastic expression of the dance, and even in the expression of the songs. And the music is beautiful! Bravo!” Listen the review of Claudel.

Robert Stromber Robert Stromberg

USA – Robert Stromberg, Academy Award-winning production designer for Avatar. Won two Oscars for the film Avatar.
“Unique… Absolutely beautiful! So inspiring, I think I may have found some new ideas for the next Avatar movie”.
See more by clicking there.

secrétaire d’Etat allemand M. Meister  secrétaire d’Etat allemand M. Meister FRANKFURT - Mr. Michael Meister, parliamentary state secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance at Frankfurt’s Jahrhunderthallehaus.
Mr. Meister and his family have seen Shen Yun at least five times.
« Shen Yun is perfection in everything : the dancing, the songs and the music. The harmony between performers is of the highest degree… One feels without doubt the deep meaning that is imparted by the dances and the songs…I will return home feeling less stressed, more at ease, and [with] a serenity I won’t experience from anything else I can think of. Besides, I will reflect upon what I have seen for a while and know that it will help me understand myself more deeply. » See more by clicking there.

Stephan Rieckhoff Stephan Rieckhoff GENEVA – Stephan RIECKHOFF, at that time first violoncellist and Concertmaster of the Orchestre de la Suisse romande and world-renowned
“When I saw this show, the work of musicians and dancers who work mostly on the quality of a human being to respect all that is beautiful about this earth. This requires the notion of respect not only for the humans but also for oneself, for plants, for everything in the cosmos, it was beautiful about what it was represented in this show.”


Martin Freeman Martin Freeman LONDON – Martin Freeman, Emmy and BAFTA winning actor, who is best known for his roles as Bilbo Baggins in “The Hobbit” at London’s Dominion Theatre.
He came with his daughter and said there were “fascinated.” He said he loved both the music and the skillfulness of the dancers. “It was lovely, really skillful, I loved the color, I loved the music, I loved the musical recitals as well.”
“They’re amazing skills. I imagine they would have had to start that stuff very early on in life.”
He added he was especially impressed with the quality of the performances. “You just know when you see good performances. It’s commitment and it’s skill!” “It was very beautiful.” See more by clicking there.